
Pastor Lowell teaches on Galatians 4:17 "They zealously court you" on 2/5/2025 for our Wednesday Service.

Galatians 4:17 They zealously court you, but for no good; yes, they want to exclude you, that you may be zealous for them.

Paul is warning the new believers who are being perused by those who teach and practice legalism as a badge of superiority, that the legalists would go to great lengths to flatter and persuade the new believers.  He points out that the legalist's motives are rotten. 
He point out that  the legalists were not concerned with the new believers spiritual benefit.  The legalists were not trying to get the new Christians built up in their faith and closer to Jesus with the whole church.  They are actually trying to isolate them from Paul and the rest of the believers in the church so that they, these new believers, would always be dependent upon them for the truth and affirmation that they were doing good. These legalists seek to make the new believers dependent on them, so that as they are only dependent upon them that they, the legalists can feel important and superior.  They like that.