Net Cast / Pod Cast PDF Print E-mail
  Calvary Chapel Milwaukee - Net Cast / Pod Cast

Net Cast / Pod Cast

The main two links for our radio program podcasts are below. Please copy and paste the entire link into your podcasting program of choice.

New Testament

Old Testament

Biblical Interpretation Interpretation

Gods Design for Marriage Design for Marriage

Guest Speakers Speakers

Marriage Conference Conference

Special Studies Studies

The Holy Spirit Holy Spirit

Need more help?

There are several programs which can play and download podcasts. One of the most popular programs for Mac and PC users is Apple's iTunes.
Please note: you will need an internet connection to perform all of the steps below.

To set up iTunes to receive podcasts, you will need iTunes version 4.9 or above.
Older versions do not support podcasting.

The latest version of iTunes can be downloaded at this link:

  • After you install iTunes, or if you already have the correct version installed, open it and go to (click on) the "Advanced" menu item of the iTunes program:

  • Pod

  • After you have selected the "Advanced" menu option, click on " Subscribe to Podcasts" sub menu option.
  • You will now see a popup window called "Subscribe to Podcast" and a large multi-lined text box:

  • Pod

  • Copy one of the links above
  • Paste the copied link into the text box and click "OK"
  • Repeat this process for each of the podcast you want to subscribe to.
  • You should now be able to see the podcast feed in iTunes:

  • Pod

A second option is to drag and drop the Feed into iTunes.
  • First, Open iTunes.
  • On the left hand panel, you will see the source folders.
  • Select the one called 'Podcasts'.
  • Now simply 'drag and drop' the link from the webpage in to your iTunes Podcasts folder.
    (*drag and drop: click the link, hold the mouse button down and move the mouse, dragging the link)